Izdelki za industrijski čistilni stroji (30)

Avtomatska Pralnica - Stroji za Čiščenje Preprog

Avtomatska Pralnica - Stroji za Čiščenje Preprog

Carpet cleaning companies are one of the most importance place for using automatic machine. Automatic carpet washing machine ,you only wash your carpets without touchless ,and reduce by half because of human power. Carpet cleaning also reduces the rate of time and provides great saving for working. When you are doing washing carpets ,working force coming down to the minimum level ,and rises to a maximum level of cleaning rate .Our machine is completely local production ;therefore ,there will never spare parts problems. Our carpet cleaning machine is under warranty for 2 years.
Ročna Stroj za Pranje z Čopičem - MY 900 - Ročna Pralnica

Ročna Stroj za Pranje z Čopičem - MY 900 - Ročna Pralnica

The part washing machine is designed to easily clean dirty parts with a small size and complex structure in the shortest time possible. Thanks to its brush, the person performing the washing process can carry out any kind of cleaning in the dirty part in detail. It is an ideal parts washing machine for using in small areas. Machine dimensions:90x60x100m Tank capacity:30 lt Tank dimensions:30x30x35 Loading weight:50 kg Electricity:220 V 50 (Hz) Body AISI Chrome:AISI Chrome Heater Power:2.5 (Kw) Part Washing Brush:Standart
Industrijske mašine za pranje delova TM-1250

Industrijske mašine za pranje delova TM-1250

Parts washing machines are specially designed to remove and clean concentrated and hard-to-reach dirt. These machines have high pressure, average temperature of 80 degrees and washing with medication options.
DPF Stroj za čiščenje filtra za trdne delce - DPF 4001+ Čistilni stroj za DPF/CAT/FAP

DPF Stroj za čiščenje filtra za trdne delce - DPF 4001+ Čistilni stroj za DPF/CAT/FAP

Stainless Steel Body High Pressure Pump Test Report Printer PLC, Android Temp. Control Water Level Sensor Timer, Alarm Water Filters(10 and 100 micron) 250 Lt Tank Pneumatic Door Hot Dryer CE Electric Panel All Apparatus included
Stroj za pranje in vlaženje Meyc

Stroj za pranje in vlaženje Meyc

It is used in the grain processing plants, to ease the grain processing by neat and non-stop annealing and washing
stroj za čiščenje preprog - ER 5000 - stroj za preproge

stroj za čiščenje preprog - ER 5000 - stroj za preproge

ERGİN MAKİNA’nın 30 yıllık üretim tecrübesiyle birlikte ortaya çıkmış olan ER 5000, yüksek üretim kapasiteli, kullanıcı dostu ve çevreye duyarlı bir makinadır. ER 5000 üzerinde kullanılan gelişmiş sistemler sayesinde sudan, enerjiden, işçilikten ve çeşitli kimyasallardan tasarruf sağlar. ER 5000 Tam Otomatik Halı halı yıkama makinesi fiyatları halı yıkama makinesi tavsiye
Visokotlačni čistilec vroče vode s rotacijsko košaro 850-1000

Visokotlačni čistilec vroče vode s rotacijsko košaro 850-1000

AREAS OF USE - Automotive industry - Aircraft industry - Ship industry - Defense industry - Metal industry PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION The parts to be washed on the basket placed on a stainless rotary platform with a sliding system are subjected to rotary basket washing with water with high pressure detergent in a closed cabin to be placed. Washing process is carried out to clean oil, sawdust, dirt and waste from dirty surfaces from different angles by means of time-adjustable pressure water nozzles according to the part structure and pollution rate. By filtering the water with the cycle permanent system, it is designed to reduce the consumption of water, detergent, electricity and time (labor) with the least consumption of parts. OPTIONAL FEATURES - Steam Evacuation Unit - Stainless chrome body structure - Basket structure - Number of nozzles - Liquid level control system All kinds of parts washing machines can be manufactured in our company upon request.
Avtomatski Stroj za Pranje Preprog

Avtomatski Stroj za Pranje Preprog

-İnce ve kalın halılarda otomatik baskı ayar sistemi -Fırça ve yıkama sistemini etkinleştiren otomatik sensör özelliği -Helis rulo fırçalama ile kabartma -Gelberi sistemi ile yoğun durulama, su sıyırma ve çift fırçalı halı düzleyici sistem -Halının alt kısmındaki tüyleri toparlama ve yıkama özelliği -Uzaktan erişim sistemi ile elektriksel arıza tespiti ve çözme özelliği -Su , deterjan ve elektrik tasarrufu sağlayan PLC kontrol sistemi -Su ve deterjanı otomatik verme özelliği -Pnömatik fırça baskı sistemi -Hız kontrol sistemi -Dokunmatik ekran ile tam otomatik çalışma sistemi -Bant kayma önleyici parçalı bant sistemi -Opsiyonel olarak tüm fonksiyonları tek tek çalıştırma özelliği -Dış gövde paslanmaz krom çelik -Ana şase sıcak daldırma galvaniz -Elektrik ekipmanları İtalyan’dır -Rulmanlar ve miller paslanmaz kromdur -Suya dayanıklı LED aydınlatma sistemi
KBN1 Serija Spredaj Naloženi Rotacijski Koš Za Pralnico Delov

KBN1 Serija Spredaj Naloženi Rotacijski Koš Za Pralnico Delov

DOLFİN-KBN1 series parts washing machines are used before and after overhaul in repair and maintenance services, especially for washing large and heavy parts. Apart from revision workshops, it is also used for cleaning the surfaces before assembly or packaging in enterprises and factories that produce parts in series. They are special devices designed for large sized and heavy parts such as engines and parts of construction machines, power plant turbines. While the parts placed in the device are rotated on its own axis by means of the washing basket, pressurised detergent hot water is sprayed. Thanks to the pressure, temperature and chemical effect, all oil and dirt on the parts are cleaned. AISI 304 :Stainless Steel Main body
4 Turbinski Viseči Tip Stroj za Čiščenje s Peskom

4 Turbinski Viseči Tip Stroj za Čiščenje s Peskom

Our machine is preferred to prepare the surface of materials such as steel forged parts, light metal castings, hardened or heat treated steel parts, pre-coating material.


A wet blasting machine is a device used for cleaning surfaces by removing dirt, paint, orrust. It operates by combining pressurized water with a special abrasive material. It features a self-heating water capability and can use hot water and detergent. An intense mixture of water and abrasive is directed on to the surface, ensuring effective cleaning. It is commonly employed in industrial sectors and requires the use of appropriate protective equipment. Working area size:1500X800X700 MM operating preeure:6+13 BAR body strcture:430 (AISI) LIQUID CAPACITY:80 LT Operating Temperature:55C Operating voltage:380 VOLT Lighting:AIP66 10 WAT EXTERNAL DIMENSIONS OF THE MACHINE:1680X870X1780 MM Weight of the machine:180 kg WOOOEN PACKING DIMENSIONS:1300X800X1850 MM WOOOEN PACKED WEIGHT:230 KG
Y-kos plastične cevi ø 12-12-12mm L 75mm

Y-kos plastične cevi ø 12-12-12mm L 75mm

Y-FITTING 5017697 Y-piece plastic hose ø 12-12-12mm L 75mm 505.088 "Y" Plastic Fitting Ø12mm 7846
Kamnita mlin za mletje pšenice - BTD 1200 kamniti mlin
Tehnične specifikacije kamnitega mlina
Kamen Ø 1200 mm
Pogon s

Kamnita mlin za mletje pšenice - BTD 1200 kamniti mlin Tehnične specifikacije kamnitega mlina Kamen Ø 1200 mm Pogon s

You can have a healthy diet by grinding traditional and cultural whole wheat flour with the stone mill machine system. You can obtain quality flour by using completely new generation machines in the stone mill wheat milling system. Machines such as pneumatic system sieve filter blower used in the stone mill wheat milling system are used. In this way, the flour quality has been increased. The machine is very easy to setup and use. It is aimed to increase the quality of flour and bread by removing bran between 10 / 11% from the flour after the conversion to wheat flour milled in the stone mill system. All areas in contact with the stone milling machine product have been made more hygienic and healthier by using 304 quality stainless steel. BTD 1200 stone mill Stone mill technical specifications Stone Ø 1200 mm Drive s
DPF Stroj za čiščenje filtra trdih delcev - DPF 1001+ Čistilni stroj za katalizator

DPF Stroj za čiščenje filtra trdih delcev - DPF 1001+ Čistilni stroj za katalizator

Stainless Steel Body High Pressure Pump Test Report Printer PLC, Android Temp. Control Water Level Sensor Timer, Alarm Water Filters(10 and 100 micron) 100 Lt Tank Manual Door Hot Dryer CE Electric Panel All Apparatus included
Stroj za ekstrakcijo preprog

Stroj za ekstrakcijo preprog

-Dış gövde tek parça paslanmaz galvanizli sac -Tek parça krom tambur -Standart 40 cm tambur çapı -Özel havşa delikli tambur -Sarsıntı önleyici körük sistemi -Tambur geri sarma özelliği -Opsiyonel devir ve zaman ayarı Önde ve arkada özel bilya yataklama sistemi makine kullanımını daha sessiz hale getirmiştir. Standart 40 cm ölçümüzün yanı sıra , 42 ve 48 cm tambur çaplı makinelerimiz üretilmektedir. Makinemizde tek parça dış gövde , tek parça tambur ve özel havşa delik sayesinde tamburun sağlamlığı artırılmıştır. Olası kullanım hatalarında , tambur büküm sorunu minimuma indirilmiştir. Makinelerimiz ISO 9001 kalitesine göre üretilmektedir. Makinelerimiz CE sertifikalıdır.
Čistilna in Intenzivna Vlažilna Stroj Meyt

Čistilna in Intenzivna Vlažilna Stroj Meyt

It is used in the grain processing plants to moisten the grain at the highest desired rate up to rate of % 5-6.
Stroj za Čiščenje in Intenzivno Vlaženje

Stroj za Čiščenje in Intenzivno Vlaženje

It is used in the grain processing plants in order to moisture gradient into the grain
Horizontalna čistilna naprava

Horizontalna čistilna naprava

Es dient zum Entfernen (Schälen) von Schalen von Weizen, Gerste, Roggen und ähnlichen Getreidearten und zum Reinigen von Insekten, Sand, Staub und anderen Verunreinigungen.
Stroj za čiščenje žita

Stroj za čiščenje žita

Es wurde entwickelt, um große und kleine Verunreinigungen, Papier, Stroh, Bohnen, Erbsen, Mais und Sand aus Weizen und allen anderen Getreidearten zu entfernen.
Stroj za čiščenje semoline

Stroj za čiščenje semoline

Es dient zur Anreicherung und Klassierung von Grieß in Mehl- und Grießmühlen.
Magnetni Separator

Magnetni Separator

Es wird verwendet, um metallische Partikel von den Körnern zu trennen.
Cereali Spiralni Separator

Cereali Spiralni Separator

Es wird in Getreideverarbeitungsbetrieben verwendet, um einen Feuchtigkeitsgradienten in das Getreide zu bringen.
Stroj za čiščenje filtrirnih vrečk z brušenjem

Stroj za čiščenje filtrirnih vrečk z brušenjem

It is used to clean jet filter bags that lose their filtering function over time due to dust particles
Aspiracijski kanal

Aspiracijski kanal

Es wurde entwickelt, um alle Arten von leichten Verunreinigungen und Fremdstoffen von Getreide, Kaffeesamen, Sojabohnen, Mais usw. durch Luftzirkulation zu entfernen und zu reinigen.
PRELIVNA CEV ø 42x395 mm - Prelivna cev L 395mm ø 42mm

PRELIVNA CEV ø 42x395 mm - Prelivna cev L 395mm ø 42mm

Overflow pipe ø 42x395 mm 3448227 Overflow pipe L 395mm ø 42mm 505.072 Overflow Ø44x395mm 12956
Kamnita mlin za mletje pšenice - BTD 1200 kamniti mlin
Tehnične specifikacije kamnitega mlina
Kamen Ø 1200 mm
Pogon s

Kamnita mlin za mletje pšenice - BTD 1200 kamniti mlin Tehnične specifikacije kamnitega mlina Kamen Ø 1200 mm Pogon s

You can have a healthy diet by grinding traditional and cultural whole wheat flour with the stone mill machine system. You can obtain quality flour by using completely new generation machines in the stone mill wheat milling system. Machines such as pneumatic system sieve filter blower used in the stone mill wheat milling system are used. In this way, the flour quality has been increased. The machine is very easy to setup and use. It is aimed to increase the quality of flour and bread by removing bran between 10 / 11% from the flour after the conversion to wheat flour milled in the stone mill system. All areas in contact with the stone milling machine product have been made more hygienic and healthier by using 304 quality stainless steel. BTD 1200 stone mill Stone mill technical specifications Stone Ø 1200 mm Drive s
Izbiralnik Lesa

Izbiralnik Lesa

Es dient zum Entfernen von Steinen, Schlammkugeln, Glas- oder Metallstücken aus Getreide, Hülsenfrüchten, geschälten Samen und ähnlichen Produkten.
KOŠ ZA PRIBOR ø 110x125 mm - Vložek za pribor ø 95mm H 105mm plastika

KOŠ ZA PRIBOR ø 110x125 mm - Vložek za pribor ø 95mm H 105mm plastika

CUTLERY BASKET ø 110x125 mm 3055013 Cutlery insert ø 110mm H 130mm 976.011 Plastic Flatware Basket Ø110x125mm 153
Kamnita mlin za pšenico - BTD 1200 kamniti mlin
Tehnične specifikacije kamnitega mlina
Kamen Ø 1200 mm
Pogon s

Kamnita mlin za pšenico - BTD 1200 kamniti mlin Tehnične specifikacije kamnitega mlina Kamen Ø 1200 mm Pogon s

You can have a healthy diet by grinding traditional and cultural whole wheat flour with the stone mill machine system. You can obtain quality flour by using completely new generation machines in the stone mill wheat milling system. Machines such as pneumatic system sieve filter blower used in the stone mill wheat milling system are used. In this way, the flour quality has been increased. The machine is very easy to setup and use. It is aimed to increase the quality of flour and bread by removing bran between 10 / 11% from the flour after the conversion to wheat flour milled in the stone mill system. All areas in contact with the stone milling machine product have been made more hygienic and healthier by using 304 quality stainless steel.
Kamnita mlin za mletje pšenice - BTD 1200 kamniti mlin
Tehnične specifikacije kamnitega mlina
Kamen Ø 1200 mm
Pogon s

Kamnita mlin za mletje pšenice - BTD 1200 kamniti mlin Tehnične specifikacije kamnitega mlina Kamen Ø 1200 mm Pogon s

You can have a healthy diet by grinding traditional and cultural whole wheat flour with the stone mill machine system. You can obtain quality flour by using completely new generation machines in the stone mill wheat milling system. Machines such as pneumatic system sieve filter blower used in the stone mill wheat milling system are used. In this way, the flour quality has been increased. The machine is very easy to setup and use. It is aimed to increase the quality of flour and bread by removing bran between 10 / 11% from the flour after the conversion to wheat flour milled in the stone mill system. All areas in contact with the stone milling machine product have been made more hygienic and healthier by using 304 quality stainless steel. BTD 1200 stone mill Stone mill technical specifications Stone Ø 1200 mm Drive s Stone Mıll Wheat Grındıng Machıne